ECON 607: Macroeconomic Theory II
Table of Contents
Materials for Macroeconomic Theory II, ECON 607, with Professors John Leahy and Pablo Ottonello.
- ECON 607 Leahy notes
- Macroeconomics
- Complete Markets
- Endowment Economies
- Arrow–Debreu Securities
- Arrow Securities
- Incomplete Markets
- Huggett
- Real Business-Cycle Models
- ECON 607 Ottonello notes
- Perturbation Methods
- RBC Models with Complete–Markets Notation
- Balanced Growth Requirements
- DMP Search
- Shimer’s Search Model
- Simple Directed Search
- New Keynesian Phillips Curve
Handouts and computer programs
- Handout on balancing materials
- Handout on Shimer’s planner problem
- MATLAB program used to generate the comparison of exact and perturbation solutions for the choice of consumption. The program requires the MATLAB program
, available from Stephanie Schmitt–Grohe and Martin Uribe’s MATLAB toolbox for first-order-accurate approximations.